June 15, 2021

Apparel Screen Print Manager

Confidential WEST PALM BEACH, Florida

We do have a graphic designer in-house so that part is not essential, but operating the equipment is. The equipment is all brand new, so you would assist in planning and go through the 5 day training with the equipment to learn the ins and outs of the press. When not running screen print, you will also assist on our DTG printing side and possibly with other tasks, receiving inventory, sorting jobs, and all the other work that is involved. We currently have 6 people in our warehouse so we are a small business, but our apparel side is growing rapidly, we expect embroidery to increase by 4x this year over last year and screen print we may expect a few hundred prints a week to start, with approval from our customers we can scale this easily into the thousands per week. Coming in now, you will be expected to output exceptional prints with the equipment we have and as we grow, you will go right with us, training new employees to take over the ground work and managing a team.

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