Aug. 18, 2024

Graphic designer

FastSigns Reynoldsburg, Ohio

Does the idea of seeing your work as you’re driving to work seem rewarding and exciting? Do you have great respect for brand standards and take pride in craftsmanship and excellence? We are looking for a Graphic Designer / Sign Production person who possesses the maturity, passion, and energy to collaborate with others on the team. We need someone who can see beyond what is presented and design something that excites and inspires but can appreciate there is also a place for simple, clean, and eye-catching. We also need a person who can see a project through to completion - including interior and exterior installation.As a Graphic Designer, your primary responsibility will be to create computer-generated full-color graphics and output vinyl that can be weeded, cut, and applied, or printed and mounted to various products from cars to substrates to buildings.

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