Proof of Education If using education to qualify or when requested by the recruiter, upload a copy of any license(s), official/unofficial transcript(s), degrees, and/or related employment documents to your NeoGov account at the time of application and before the closing date. It is the policy of the County of Riverside to provide equal employment opportunities for all qualified persons. For additional instructions on the application process, examinations, Veteran's preference, pre-employment accommodation or other employment questions, please refer to our web site, . Temporary employees participate in the 401(a) Temporary and Part-Time Employees' Retirement Plan and are required to contribute 3.75% of salary to the pension plan. The County of Riverside offers an aray of professions, careers, and opportunites within over 40 diverse departments California's fourth largest county by population is expanding its economy, working to make Riverside County as business-friendly as possible and using health and recreations strategies to make the county a healthier place for residents.
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